Wednesday, February 25, 2009

OpenDocuments URL in BOXI R2

OpenDocument Functionality in BusinessObjects XI R2

Following are the main parameters which is using in BusinessObjects OpenDocuments functionality, so before going further any developer should familiar all the following parameters.


Target document type. BOXI OpenDocument function will support only following four report extensions so far.

.rep - Desktop Intelligence (BO Full client)
.rpt - Crystal Report
.wid - WebIntelligence 6.x document
.wqy - WebIntelligence 2.x document
.bqy - BusinessQuery document
.agn - Agnostic document

So it’s mandatory for any OpenDocument while passing parameters


This also a mandatory parameter for OpenDocumnet, but can be replace by sDocName. iDocID of the target document can be get from CMS.

The highlight number in the above picture is the iDocID of the target document.
Target document name. Here target document name without extension, normally followed by sPath which is not mandatory.But document name should pass without spaces. if there are spaces then, use URL Encode Usually, for space( ) the URL encode is %20

Refer: URL encode


The Name of the target report path, like, folders and Sub folders. sPath is not mandatory one for OpenDocument.

Syntax: [Parent Folder Name], [Child Folder Name]


It’s a unique object id for a report or document in the CMC (Central Management Console), also it mandatory one. But can be replaced by iDocID. Simply InfoObjectID with iDocID in CMS (Objects ID). IDs can be finding by querying against CMS by using “Query Builder” in Admin Launch pad.

Admin Launch pad Link:

http://Servername/businessobjects/enterprise115/adminlaunch/launchpad.html (Platform Dependent)


CUID - Cluster identifier, GUID - Package identifier, RUID - Global identifier


It’s defined whether the target document would open in the same window or new window. It’s not mandatory, if we’re not using this, then target report will open in the same window.

Syntax: sWindow=Same/New


sRefresh will say whether documents needs to refresh or not while opening. By using this comment we can enforce the target document to refresh before opening. Report will not refresh in default and also it’s not mandatory

syntax: sRefresh=Y/N (While opening)

Prompt Value passing:

lsM[Name] =Value to Prompt with [Name] Text of Prompt - Multiple Values separated by comma.
lsS[Name]=Value to Prompt with [Name] Text of Prompt - Single Valued

Syntax: lsMCountryName=India;Isreal,lsSCountryName=India

Implementation in Report:

(Platform Dependent)

WEBi - WEBi:

A) URL Construction
B) By Creating Variable

A) URL Construction:

By using above parameters we can construct a URL for specific CMS report/Document and can send it cross to user to open, so that the business user community can directly go to their reports. The Following will be model code of URL construction used by above mentioned parameters

http://ServerName/businessobjects/enterprise115/desktoplaunch/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?sType=wid&iDocID=28685860&sWindow=New&sRefresh=Y& lsMCountryName=India;Isreal

B) By Creating Variable:

Also by creating report level variable we can open the report from one report to another report. This syntax will like

Sample Report column:

The LinkText is the display text in the Parent report.

Note: OpenDocument is platform independent, you can open document/report from one instance to another instance, it's not mandatory to be in same instance, only server name, port number should change.

Why it is important?

Once URL created for each document in the BOE, you can directly share those URLs for each document to user community. So user simply clicks the link provided and the link would directly route user to the specific report instead of after Log on to BOE and browse the required folder and specific report.

  • Time save for BOE environment browsing
  • There would not be a report version and report name confusion for user
  • Simple portal construction without any SDK for reports and agnostic document

Where can be used?

  • The openDocument call will be used to create hyperlinks on a BusinessObjects report or WebIntelligence
  • The hyperlink would open a 'detail' report from the parent report
  • The hyperlink is embedded into a universe object, dynamically building the links based on database values
Courtesy: BOB


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your synopsis. Do you have more BOXI-related posts? You should use the Keywords associated w/ blog posts, that way visitors can see and click on a keyword list and be shown all posts on a topic.

Anonymous said...

that was a good explanation

Unknown said...

This was an excellent summary, Vinoth. By following it, I was able to construct a hyperlink from parent to target report. There is one problem, though - instead of going directly to the target report the link shows prompts. Is there a way not to show prompts? Many thanks.

Vinoth Thiyagarajan said...

Hi LL,

If you remove 'sRefresh=Y/N' from the hyperlink, report would open without prompting you. Since you're open 'sRefresh=Y'. So report will start refresh, while opening; if there any prompt,then it prompts you to pass the values.

Unknown said...

Thank You Vinoth! I did it and yes, the prompt was gone, but the new parameter passed never had and effect. The target report shows the report for the run with the previously passed parameter :( Why?

Vinoth Thiyagarajan said...

If you give 'yes', it will start refresh. I suggested you to remove 'sRefresh=Y/N' from the URL :)

SS said...

. where address is the prompt in both the reports.
Thanks in advance.>

Narusse said...

Hi vinoth,

I 'try' to use OpenDocument and I succeed. But when our infrastructure guy set a firewall and forbid us to use servername and port call from the web application, i'm looking for an alternative solution. Writing a servlet with proxy and call the url for opendocument is not a solution. Is there a solution for this??

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