Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 27

Even he who has seen only a spook is more spiritual than book learned pundits.

The important thing is how much less you think of the body, of yourself as matter as dead, dull, insentient matter; how much more you think of yourself as shining immortal being. The more you think of yourself as spirit, the more eager you will be to be absolutely free from matter, body and senses. This is the intense desire to be free.

Monday, October 26, 2009


கிழ்த் தரமான தந்திரங்களால் மகத்தான எதையும் சாதித்து விட முடியாது!

Vivekananda's Quote - 26

We are ever free if we would only believe it, only have faith enough. You are the soul, free and eternal, ever free, ever blessed. Have faith enough and you will be free in a minute.

Say "So'ham, So'ham" whatever comes. Tell yourself this even in eating, walking, suffering. Tell the mind this incessantly that what we see never existed, that there is only "I". Flash the dream will break! Think day and night, this universe is zero, only God is. Have intense desire to get free.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 25

You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.

Some people are so afraid of losing their individuality. Wouldn’t it be better for the pig to lose his pig individuality if he can become God? Yes. But the poor pig does not think so at the time. Which state is my individuality? When I was a baby sprawling on the floor trying to swallow my thumb? Was that the individuality I should be sorry to lose? Fifty years hence I shall look upon this present state and laugh, just as I now look upon the baby state. Which of these individualities shall I keep?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 24

No one should be judged by their defects. The virtues a person has are his especially; his errors are the common weaknesses of humanity and should never be counted in estimating his character

Do any deserve liberty who are not ready to give it to others? Let us calmly go to work, instead of dissipating our energy in unnecessary fretting and fuming.

Our supreme duty is to advance toward freedom physical, mental, and spiritual and help others to do so.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 23

Is there any sex-distinction in the Atman (Self)? Out with the differentiation between man and woman all is Atman! Give up the identification with the body, and stand up!

The will is stronger than anything else. Everything must go down before the will, for it comes from God. A pure and strong will is omnipotent.

As soon as you know the voice and understand what it is, the whole scene changes. The same world, which was the ghastly battlefield of maya, is now changed into something good and beautiful.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 22

Learning and wisdom are superfluities, the surface glitter merely, but it is the heart that is the seat of all power. It is not in the brain but in the heart that the Atman, possessed of knowledge, power, and activity, has its seat.

We must be bright and cheerful. Long faces do not make religion. Religion should be the most joyful thing in the world, because it is the best.

It is feeling that is the life, the strength, the vitality, without which no amount of intellectual activity can reach God.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 21

Books are infinite in number and time is short. The secret of knowledge is to take what is essential. Take that and try to live up to it.

Think day and night, "I am of the essence of that Supreme Existence, Knowledge, Bliss what fear and anxiety have I? This body, mind, and intellect are all transient, and that which is beyond these is myself."

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bhagavad Gita Quote - 05

The disunited mind is far from wise; how can it meditate? How be at peace? When you know no peace, how can you know joy?

The soul who meditates on the Self is content to serve the Self and rests satisfied within the Self; there remains nothing more for him to accomplish.

Fear Not. What is not real, never was and never will be. What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bhagavad Gita Quote - 04

Not by refraining from action does man attain freedom from action. Not by mere renunciation does he attain supreme perfection.

Action is greater than inaction. Perform therefore thy task in life. Even the life of the body could not be if there were no action.

When the sage climbs the heights of Yoga, he follows the path of work; but when he reaches the heights of Yoga, he is in the land of peace.

Whenever the mind unsteady and restless strays away from the spirit, let him ever and for ever lead it again to the spirit.

No work stains a man who is pure, who is in harmony, who is master of his life, whose soul is one with the soul of all.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bhagavad Gita Quote - 03

Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.
The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice.

There has never been a time when you and I have not existed, nor will there be a time when we will cease to exist. As the same person inhabits the body through childhood, youth, and old age, so too at the time of death he attains another body. The wise are not deluded by these changes.

Those who eat too much or eat too little, who sleep too much or sleep too little, will not succeed in meditation. But those who are temperate in eating and sleeping, work and recreation, will come to the end of sorrow through meditation.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bhagavad Gita Quote - 02

Delusion arises from anger. The mind is bewildered by delusion. Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered. One falls down when reasoning is destroyed.

Consciousness is eternal it is not vanquished with the destruction of the temporary body.

Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice. Better than knowledge is meditation. But better still is surrender of attachment to results, because there follows immediate peace.

Neither in this world nor elsewhere is there any happiness in store for him who always doubts.

Bhagavad Gita Quote - 01

The person whose mind is always free from attachment, who has subdued the mind and senses, and who is free from desires, attains the supreme perfection of freedom from Karma through renunciation.

Governing sense, mind and intellect, intent on liberation, free from desire, fear and anger, the sage is forever free.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 20

What! Those giants of old, the ancient Rishis, who never walked but strode, of whom if you were to think but for a moment you would shrivel up into a moth, they sir, had time and you have no time?

When we have become free, we need not go mad and throw up society and rush off to die in the forest or the cave; we shall remain where we were but we shall understand the whole thing. The same phenomena will remain but with a new meaning.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 19

The weak, the fearful, the ignorant will never reach the Atman. You cannot undo, the effect must come, face it, but be careful never to do the same thing again. Give up the burden of all deeds to the Lord. Give all, both good and bad. Do not keep the good and give only the bad. God helps those who do not help themselves.

If faith in ourselves had been more extensively taught and practiced, I am sure a very large portion of the evils and miseries that we have would have vanished.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 18

He who has conquered the internal nature controls the whole universe; it becomes his servant.

In Buddha we had the great, universal heart and infinite patience, making religion practical and bringing it to everyone’s door. In Shankaracharya we saw tremendous intellectual power, throwing the scorching light of reason upon everything. We want today that bright sun of intellectuality joined with the heart of Buddha, the wonderful infinite heart of love and mercy. This union will give us the highest philosophy. Science and religion will meet and shake hands. Poetry and philosophy will become friends.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 17

We get caught. How? Not by what we give but by what we expect. We get misery in return for our love; not from the fact that we love, but from the fact that we want love in return. There is no misery where there is no want.

If faith in ourselves had been more extensively taught and practiced, I am sure a very large portion of the evils and miseries that we have would have vanished.

A mongoose is generally kept in a glass-case with a long chain attached to it, so that it may go about freely. When it scents danger as it wanders about, with one jump it goes into the glass-case. So is a Yogi in this world.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 16

Sita is the name in India for everything that is good, pure, and holy; everything that in women we call woman.

Shri Krishna is the God of the poor, the beggar, the sinner, the son, the father, the wife, and of everyone. He enters intimately into all our human relations and makes everything holy and in the end brings us to salvation. He is the God who hides himself from the philosopher and the learned and reveals himself to the ignorant and the children. He is the God of faith and love and not of learning. With the Gopis, love and God were the same thing they knew him to be love incarnate.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 15

Realize yourself. That is all there is to do. Know yourself as you are infinite spirit. That is practical religion. Everything else is impractical, for everything else will vanish.

That which is nearest is least observed. The Atman is the nearest of the near, therefore the careless and the unsteady mind gets no clue to it. But the person who is alert, calm, self-restrained, and discriminating ignores the external world and, diving more and more into the inner world, realizes the glory of the Atman and becomes great.

Samadhi is perfect absorption of thought into the Supreme Spirit, when one realizes. "I and my Father are one."

Vivekananda's Quote - 14

God is very merciful to those whom He sees struggling heart and soul for spiritual realization. But remain idle, without any struggle, and you will see that His grace will never come.

The power is with the silent ones, who only live and love and then withdraw their personality. They never say “me” and “mine”; they are only blessed in being instruments.

I have been asked many times, "Why do you laugh so much and make so many jokes?" I become serious sometimes, when I have a stomachache! The Lord is all blissfulness. He is the reality behind all that exists. He is the goodness, the truth in everything. You are His incarnations. That is what is glorious. The nearer you are to Him, the less you will have occasions to cry or weep. The further we are from Him, the more will long faces come. The more we know of Him, the more misery vanishes.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 13

What about this marvelous experience of standing alone, discarding all help, breasting the storms of life, of working without any sense of recompense, without any sense of putrid duty, and of working a whole life, joyful, free not goaded on to work like slaves by false human love or ambition? Nature grinds all of us. Keep count of the ounce of pleasure you get. In the long run, nature did her work through you, and when you die your body will make other plants grow. Yet we think all the time that we are getting pleasure ourselves. Thus the wheel goes round.

Where God is, there is no other. Where the world is, there is no God. These two will never unite. Like light and darkness. That is what I have understood from Christianity and the life of Jesus. Isn’t that also Buddhism? Isn’t that Hinduism? Isn’t that Islam? Isn’t that the teaching of all the great sages and teachers?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 12

Tell the truth boldly, whether it hurts or not. Never pander to weakness. If truth is too much for intelligent people and sweeps them away, let them go; the sooner the better.

The Self when it appears behind the universe is called God. The same Self when it appears behind this little universe the body is the soul.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 11

The highest of all feminine types in India is mother, higher than wife. Wife and children may desert a man, but his mother never. Mother is the same or loves her child perhaps a little more. Mother represents colorless love that knows no barter, love that never dies. Who can have such love? Only mother, not son, nor daughter, nor wife.

To realize the spirit as spirit is practical religion. Everything else is good so far as it leads to this one grand idea. That realization is to be attained by renunciation, by meditation renunciation of all the senses, cutting the knots, the chains that bind us down to matter.

Vivekananda's Quote - 10

Evolution is in nature, not in the soul, evolution of nature, manifestation of the soul

So long as religion was in the hands of a chosen few or of a body of priests, it was in the temples, it was in the churches, it was in the books, in dogmas, in ceremonials, forms, and rituals. When men have come to the real, universal, spiritual concept, then, and then alone, religion will become real and living; it will come into our very nature, live in every movement of the human being, it will penetrate every pore of society, and be infinitely more a power for good than it has ever been before.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 09

In the world take always the position of the giver. Give everything and look for no return. Give love, give help, give service, give any little thing you can, but keep out barter. Make no conditions and none will be imposed on you. Let us give out of our own bounty, just as God gives to us.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and everything shall be added unto you." This is the one great duty, this is renunciation. Live for an ideal, and leave no place in the mind for anything else. Let us put forth all our energies to acquire that which never fails--our spiritual perfection. If we have true yearning for realization, we must struggle, and through struggle growth will come. We shall make mistakes, but they may be angels unawares.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 08

Unborn and uncreated, without beginning and without end, deathless, birthless and omnipresent that is what I am; and all misery comes just because I think this little lump of clay is myself. I am identifying myself with matter and taking all the consequences.

The brave alone can afford to be sincere. Compare the lion and the fox

Put God behind everything human beings, animals, food, and work. Make this a habit.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 07

There is only one sin and it is 'weakness'. When I was a boy, I read Milton’s Paradise Lost. The only good man I had any respect for was Satan. The only saint is that person who never weakens, faces everything, and determines die game.

Self-realization is to be attained by renunciation, by meditation renunciation of all the senses, cutting the knots, the chains that bind us down to matter.

Vivekananda's Quote - 06

All is the Self or Brahman. The saint, the sinner, the lamb, the tiger, even the murderer, as far as they have any reality, can be nothing else, because there is nothing else.

Bless people when they revile you. Think how much good they are doing by helping to stamp out the false ego. Hold fast to the real self. Think only pure thoughts, and you will accomplish more than a regiment of mere preachers. Out of purity and silence comes the word of power.

Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three essentials to success, and above all, love.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 05

The will is not free - it is a phenomenon bound by cause and effect - but there is something behind the will, which is free

Whose meditation is real and effective? Who can really surrender to the will of God? Only the person whose mind has been purified by selfless work

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 04

In this external world, which is full of finite things, it is impossible to see and find the Infinite। The Infinite must be sought in that alone which is infinite, and the only thing infinite about us is that which is within us, our own soul. Neither the body, nor the mind, nor even our thoughts, nor the world we see around us, is infinite.

Our first duty is not to hate ourselves, because to advance we must have faith in ourselves first and then in God. Those who have no faith in themselves can never have faith in God.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 03

Work a little harder at meditation and it comes. You do not feel the body or anything else. When you come out of it after the hour, you have had the most beautiful rest you ever had in your life. That is the only way you ever give rest to your system. Not even the deepest sleep will give you such a rest as that.

Anything that brings spiritual, mental, or physical weakness, touch it not with the toes of your feet.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 02

Whatever you believe, that you will be. If you believe yourselves to be sages, sages you will be tomorrow. There is nothing to obstruct you.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Vivekananda's Quote - 01

Discriminate within yourself between the real and the unreal. Have you not read the Vedanta?
Even when you sleep, keep the sword of discrimination at the head of your bed, so that covetousness cannot approach you even in dream. Practicing such strength, renunciation will gradually come, and then you will see the portals of heaven are wide open to you.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Elliot's Beach Morning Time

I just tried to click sun raise @ Elliot’s beach on 9th of this month. I went there in the morning 4.30 with my camera. I was scaring to enter into water because; the strength of tide was very high. Later of the day I came to know that is the full moon day of the month.

Morning around 5.15 the sun started raising and me too started clicking. I have taken around ten photographs and nothing looks good except the following three....

Friday, April 17, 2009

Vellaingiri Hills Trekking

Vellaingiri hills, located near Coimbatore on Western Ghats, fantastic place to trek. The following pictures have been taken @ Vellaingiri hills.

Vellaingireewarer Temple, Adivaram, Poondi

Starting of first hill

Third hill

Third hill

Third hill

Third hill

Fourth hill

Fourth hill

Fourth hill

"Kaattu Poo"

Sixth hill

Sixth hill

"Kaattu Nellikaai"

Searching himself msr

Sixth hill

Sixth hill

The peak (our destination)

The team

Seventh hill

Seventh hill

Temple in the peak point


Chinna pasanga nanga!!


Friday, April 3, 2009

JAVA .NET Platform in BOXI Report Linking

There are two main platforms for BusinessObjects implementation. They are JAVA and .NET. In general any OpenDocumnet function or Report linking, this platform playing major role in the URL construction.

General Syntax


JAVA Implemented Environment


.NET Implemented Environment


The above two syntax is very common for any BusinessObjects environment which is implemented JAVA and .NET

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

OpenDocuments URL in BOXI R2

OpenDocument Functionality in BusinessObjects XI R2

Following are the main parameters which is using in BusinessObjects OpenDocuments functionality, so before going further any developer should familiar all the following parameters.


Target document type. BOXI OpenDocument function will support only following four report extensions so far.

.rep - Desktop Intelligence (BO Full client)
.rpt - Crystal Report
.wid - WebIntelligence 6.x document
.wqy - WebIntelligence 2.x document
.bqy - BusinessQuery document
.agn - Agnostic document

So it’s mandatory for any OpenDocument while passing parameters


This also a mandatory parameter for OpenDocumnet, but can be replace by sDocName. iDocID of the target document can be get from CMS.

The highlight number in the above picture is the iDocID of the target document.
Target document name. Here target document name without extension, normally followed by sPath which is not mandatory.But document name should pass without spaces. if there are spaces then, use URL Encode Usually, for space( ) the URL encode is %20

Refer: URL encode


The Name of the target report path, like, folders and Sub folders. sPath is not mandatory one for OpenDocument.

Syntax: [Parent Folder Name], [Child Folder Name]


It’s a unique object id for a report or document in the CMC (Central Management Console), also it mandatory one. But can be replaced by iDocID. Simply InfoObjectID with iDocID in CMS (Objects ID). IDs can be finding by querying against CMS by using “Query Builder” in Admin Launch pad.

Admin Launch pad Link:

http://Servername/businessobjects/enterprise115/adminlaunch/launchpad.html (Platform Dependent)


CUID - Cluster identifier, GUID - Package identifier, RUID - Global identifier


It’s defined whether the target document would open in the same window or new window. It’s not mandatory, if we’re not using this, then target report will open in the same window.

Syntax: sWindow=Same/New


sRefresh will say whether documents needs to refresh or not while opening. By using this comment we can enforce the target document to refresh before opening. Report will not refresh in default and also it’s not mandatory

syntax: sRefresh=Y/N (While opening)

Prompt Value passing:

lsM[Name] =Value to Prompt with [Name] Text of Prompt - Multiple Values separated by comma.
lsS[Name]=Value to Prompt with [Name] Text of Prompt - Single Valued

Syntax: lsMCountryName=India;Isreal,lsSCountryName=India

Implementation in Report:

(Platform Dependent)

WEBi - WEBi:

A) URL Construction
B) By Creating Variable

A) URL Construction:

By using above parameters we can construct a URL for specific CMS report/Document and can send it cross to user to open, so that the business user community can directly go to their reports. The Following will be model code of URL construction used by above mentioned parameters

http://ServerName/businessobjects/enterprise115/desktoplaunch/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?sType=wid&iDocID=28685860&sWindow=New&sRefresh=Y& lsMCountryName=India;Isreal

B) By Creating Variable:

Also by creating report level variable we can open the report from one report to another report. This syntax will like

Sample Report column:

The LinkText is the display text in the Parent report.

Note: OpenDocument is platform independent, you can open document/report from one instance to another instance, it's not mandatory to be in same instance, only server name, port number should change.

Why it is important?

Once URL created for each document in the BOE, you can directly share those URLs for each document to user community. So user simply clicks the link provided and the link would directly route user to the specific report instead of after Log on to BOE and browse the required folder and specific report.

  • Time save for BOE environment browsing
  • There would not be a report version and report name confusion for user
  • Simple portal construction without any SDK for reports and agnostic document

Where can be used?

  • The openDocument call will be used to create hyperlinks on a BusinessObjects report or WebIntelligence
  • The hyperlink would open a 'detail' report from the parent report
  • The hyperlink is embedded into a universe object, dynamically building the links based on database values
Courtesy: BOB

Monday, February 16, 2009

Gomukhi dam and Megam falls - Kalvarayan Hills

Almost after 11 years, last Sunday I've visited Gomukhi dam and Megam falls which is on "Kalvarayan Hills" near my hometown. This time I went there with my friends msr and Jayanth.

"Aham Brahmasmi"